What do the lights/beeps mean on my Keypad EZ? June 03, 2015 13:59 Updated Answer After Entering a Code 3 Green Lights With 3 Beeps = Low Battery Warning 3 Green Lights 3 & Red Lights With 3 Beeps = Low Battery Alarm 3 Red Lights = Access Denied 3 Green Lights = Access Granted 1 Red Light = Wrong amount of digits With Every Button Push 1 Green Light With 1 Beep = Normal Operation 1 Red Light = Bad Electronics Board Applies To Keypaz EZ, 9KZ, EXZ, 45HZ Additional Information Related articles Troubleshooting Guides Why do I get green lights and red lights with beeping sounds when I swipe my card? Why does my red and green light flash when I push a button? My Arm-A-Door is beeping at me once every few seconds. Switch™ Core Electronics FAQs