Create a time zone for the first card unlock interval.
- In system Administration, click on the “Access Control” drop down menu and select the “Timezones…” menu option.
- Click on the Timezones tab and click on the “Add” button to add a new timezone interval for the first card unlock application. If the timezone already exists, please skip to step 3.
- Click on the Timezone\Reader Modes tab. Click on the “Modify” button even if timezone reader modes do not currently exist.
- Click on the icon next to the reader that will be in the first card unlock reader mode timezone.
- Place a check mark on the Timezone created for the interval.
- Select a ‘Start’ reader mode of First Card Unlock.
- Select the correct end mode.
- Click on the ‘Assign’ button in the center of the page to create the Timezone Reader Mode.
- Click on the ‘OK’ button.
- Download the offline reader to the transfer device (PDA, Thumb drive, or file
- Take the transfer device to the reader.
- Program the offline reader.