The OnGuard server is installed.
The SWITCH™ Add On is installed.
The bridge is installed as an Access Panel in the other tab and set up as a SWITCH™ TEch device.
The IP Address is the correct IP address for the SWITCH Bridge.
The bridge's IP Address is accessible via ping or another method and can be seen from the server.
The Bridge is online in SWITCH Deck.
Open the communication server as an application, run as administrator, and see if there is a device translation error when the portals are polled.
Manually Register the dll.
1. Stop the Lenel Communication server.
2. Run the CMD prompt as administrator.
3. Verify that you are at the following path in the command prompt
4. Enter the following line of text (...Exactly as you see it, including the double quotes):
- regsvr32.exe "C:\ProgramData\Lnl\Switch Tech\LnlZ9AccessControlTranslatoru.dll"